Andreas Groth

Groth, Andreas. “Impact of interannual climate variability on the agricultural sector in the Sahel region.” CliMathParis 2019, Workshop 3: Coupled climate-ecology-economy modeling and model hierarchies, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, 2019. Workshop website Abstract


Spectral analyses of the North Atlantic temperature field in the Simple Ocean Data Analysis (SODA) reanalysis identify prominent and statistically significant interannual oscillations along the Gulf Stream front and in large regions of the North Atlantic. A 7--8-yr oscillatory mode is characterized by a basin-wide southwest-to-northeast--oriented propagation pattern in the sea-surface temperature (SST) field. This pattern is found to be linked to a seesaw in the meridional-dipole structure of the zonal wind-stress forcing (TAUX). In the subpolar gyre, the SST and TAUX fields of this mode are shown to be in phase opposition, which suggests a cooling effect of the wind stress on the upper ocean layer. Over all, this mode's temperature field is characterized by a strong equivalent-barotropic component, as shown by covariations in SST and sea-surface height (SSH), and by phase-coherent behavior of temperature layers at depth with the SST field. On the other hand, this mode shares many features of the gyre mode and raises the possibilty for the existence of an intrinsic oceanic mode of similar 7--8-yr period in the Gulf Stream region.

PDF North Atlantic SST 7.7-yr mode
Groth, Andreas. “Business cycle analysis and forecasting using advanced spectral methods and data-based low-order models.” 35th International Symposium on Forecasting Riverside, California, June 2015, 2015. Abstract

Groth, Andreas. “Interannual variability in the North Atlantic SST and wind forcing.” Seminar at International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Columbia, 2014. Abstract

Groth, Andreas. “Oscillatory behavior and oscillatory modes.” SSA workshop Bournemouth, September 2014, 2014. Abstract