Michael Ghil
Distinguished Professor (emeritus), Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

Ghil is a founder of theoretical climate dynamics, as well as of advanced data assimilation methodology. He has applied systematically dynamical systems theory to planetary-scale flows, atmospheric and oceanic. Ghil has used these methods to proceed from simple flows with high temporal regularity and spatial symmetry to the observed flows, with their complex behavior in space and time. His studies of climate variability on many time scales have used a full hierarchy of models, from the simplest ‘toy’ models all the way to atmospheric, oceanic and coupled general circulation models. Recently, Ghil has also worked on modeling and data analysis in population dynamics, macroeconomics, and the climate–economy–biosphere system.
Research Interests: Atmosphere & Oceans, Climate, Dynamical & Complex Systems, Economics, Population Dynamics.
Summary bibliometrics (14 January 2019):
Web of Science: 278 publications (actual self-count 340+), h-index = 59
Google Scholar: h-index = 80 (total) and 41 (since 2015) (Google Scholar profile)
Short CV (pdf)
Full Bibliography (pdf)
Contact Information
7236 Math Sciences Building
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1565