
Congratulate Yizhou Zhuang on winning the Richard P. and Linda S. Turco Exceptional Research Publication Award

February 2, 2023

Paper link: 

Zhuang, Y., Fu, R., Santer, B.D., Dickinson, R.E. and Hall, A., 2021. Quantifying contributions of natural variability and anthropogenic forcings on increased fire weather risk over the western United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences118(45), p.e2111875118. 

Read more about Congratulate Yizhou Zhuang on winning the Richard P. and Linda S. Turco Exceptional Research Publication Award

Our recent study suggests the Congo rainforest makes its own spring rain (AGU Press)

August 25, 2021

AGU Press release: The Congo rainforest makes its own spring rain - AGU Newsroom

Publication: Worden, S., Fu, R., Chakraborty S., Liu J., and Worden, J. (2021). Where does moisture come from over the Congo basin? Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126(8).


Read more about Our recent study suggests the Congo rainforest makes its own spring rain (AGU Press)