Latest News
- Congratulations to Annie Rosen on winning the JSIP Best Presentation Award
- Congratulations to Annie Rosen on winning the JSIP Best Presentation Award
- Congratulations to Annie Rosen on winning the JSIP Best Presentation Award
- Congratulations to Alex Chang on winning the student award at the AMS Hurrican and Tropical Meteorology Conference
- Check out this article that highlights Prof. Rong Fu's research
- Congratulations to Prof. Rong Fu on being elected to the National Academy of Engineering
- Congratulations to Sarah Worden on receiving the NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) Fellowship
- Congratulations to Alex Chang on winning the 2023 Richard P. and Linda S. Turco Endowed Graduate Fellowship
- Congratulations to Yizhou Zhuang on receiving the 2023 JIFRESSE Outstanding Leadership/Service Award
- Congratulate Alex Chang on winning the 2022 AGU Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA)
Recent Publications
- Record Low North American Monsoon Rainfall in 2020 Reignites Drought over the American Southwest
- Quantifying contributions of natural variability and anthropogenic forcings on increased fire weather risk over the western United States
- Long-term variability, extremes and changes in temperature and hydro meteorology, Ch. 22, Working Group 8: Climate Change in the Amazon: Tendences, Impacts and Ecological Consequences, Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA) 2021 Report
- A generic risk assessment framework to evaluate historical and future climate-induced risk for rainfed corn and soybean yield in the US Midwest
Recent Presentations
- Climate model bias in equatorial Atlantic and possible reasons
- Some Preliminary Evaluations of CCSM4 Model in Drought Forecast
- Causal Effect Networks
- Presentation: Precipitation Comparison for the East Asian Monsoon (Mingxin)
- Presentation: Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous Markov Model (Santiago)
- Group Meeting: Dynamics Associated with Atlantic Niños (Siyu)