December 2020: Research hiighlight published in the UCLA IDRE Early Career Researcher Projects page: Remotely sensing overturning circulation in the Southern Ocean.
Februery 2021: Joined the US AMOC Task Team 3.
May 2021: US CLIVAR website research highlight published: How does the Deep Western Boundary Current “leak”?
July 2021: Our paper on "High-frequency fluctuations in Antarctic Bottom Water transport driven by Southern Ocean winds" (Stewart, Chi, Solodoch, Hogg), has been accepted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters.
August 2021: Received a UCLA Institute for Digital Research and Education (IDRE) postdoctoral fellowship for the year 2021-2022.
January 2022: Coorganizer - UCLA IDRE workshop on Machine learning for Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences.
March 2022: Coorganizer - UCLA IDRE Open Science Workshop.
April 2022: Our paper "How does Antarctic Bottom Water Cross the Southern Ocean?" (Solodoch, Stewart, Hogg, Morrison, Kiss, Thompson, Purkey, & Cimoli) has been published in Geophysical Research Letters.
August 2022: Have submitted the paper "Machine Learning-Derived Inference of the Meridional Overturning Circulation from Satellite-Observable Variables in an Ocean State Estimate" to the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.
Nov 2022: We submitted the paper "Basin Scale to Submesoscale Variability of the East-Mediterranean Sea Upper Circulation" (Solodoch et al) to the Journal of Physical Oceanography.
Jan 2023: Our paper "Eddy" saturation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current by standing waves" (Stewart, Neumann, Solodoch) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Physical Oceanography.
April 2023: Our paper "Machine Learning-Derived Inference of the Meridional Overturning Circulation from Satellite-Observable Variables in an Ocean State Estimate" (Solodoch, Stewart, Hogg, Manucharyan) has been published in the Journal for Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES).
I will start a NEW PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY RESEARCH GROUP at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel at July 2023!
RESEARCH STUDENTS WANTED for a variety of MSc and PhD research projects. Modeling projects include various open questions on the Global Overturning Circulation, on eddy formation and interactions, and on the Mediterranean Sea large-scale circulation. Observational projects include various aspects of density currents and of processes of of dissipation in and of air-sea interaction modulation by submesoscale fronts. Please contact me at if interested.