Welcome to my website. I am a Physical Oceanographer and postdoctoral researcher at UCLA's department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. My postdoctoral mentors are Professor Andrew Stewart and (at ANU) Professor Andy Hogg.

My research interests include the ocean's Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC), particularly its manifestation in the Atlantic (in my PhD work) and in the Southern Ocean (in my postdoctoral work); topographic effects in large-scale ocean circulation;  and circulation in continental margins, including that due to density currents. The research methods I employ include numerical modeling of various levels of complexity, theoretical modeling, analysis of observations, and also (so far only in coastal regions) conducting observations.

UPDATE: I will be starting a new physical oceanography research group at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem as of July 2023!

RESEARCH STUDENTS WANTED for a variety of MSc and PhD research projects. Modeling projects include various open questions on the the Global Overturning Circulation and of Mediterranean Sea large-scale circulation. Observational projects include various aspects of density currents and of processes of of dissipation in and of air-sea interaction modulation by submesoscale fronts.